Prevention ALZHEIMER

The significance of nutrition in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia

The thing about health is that it can be maintained as easily as it can be destroyed. But we are creatures of habit and it is hard to break with old, unhealthy habits and adopt new ones. Initial signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s may show up to 10 or 20 years before symptoms show.

A study by Deborah Barnes (San Francisco, VA Medical Center) has specialised in mental health. It showed that the biggest modifiable risk factors responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s are:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Lack of exercise
  • Low educational level

These account for 51% of the entire Alzheimer-handicapped population.

Make your first free-‐of-­charge, 15-­minute nutrition consultation via Skype/phone here.


What are the risk factors?

The risk factors can be divided into the categories ENVIRONMENT, CONSUMPTION and WAY OF LIFE.


  • Toxins due to air pollution (aluminium, mercury, etc.)
  • Cosmetics
  • Household cleaners, appliances and tableware (contain chemical substances)
  • Electrosmog (mobile phones, etc.)


  • Poor nutrition
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Medicine


  • Lack of exercise
  • Chronic lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Depression

Can Alzheimer’s truly be controlled by a healthy diet?

Yes! Alzheimer’s is partly the consequence of a metabolic disorder. Blood sugar, insulin resistance, poor eating habits and toxic deposits contribute to the degeneration of brain cells – the actual cause of the Alzheimer’s disease. One of the best methods of preventing Alzheimer’s is to consume natural foods, which means abandoning processed or artificial foods such as industrially processed carbohydrates (white sugar, flour) or glucose fructose syrup. A study published by the "Journal of the American Medical Association" showed that the “Mediterranean diet”, plus exercise, effectively contributes to the reduction of Alzheimer’s. The magazine “Neurology” published a survey confirming that the participants had a particular lack of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B, B12, C, D and E. A healthy diet decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s by 40%.

Healthy nutrition is an aspect which is not sufficiently adhered to by most people. Eating a good, healthy diet involves far more than changing what’s on your plate. It is about the conscious and healthy decision which supports your intention to eat healthily and nutritiously so that your body gets everything that’s necessary to function well.

The meaning of regular detoxing treatments

If the body builds up toxicity during the course of time (as already mentioned) the organs – including your brain – are incrementally drowning in toxic waste and are not able to function and fulfil their numerous tasks as usual. This leads to a metabolism disorder, a slow but permanent devastation of tissue and organs, early ageing and endless fatigue. Read more in my eBook. Make your first free-of-charge 15-minute nutrition consultation via Skype/phone here.

Make your first free-‐of-­charge, 15-­minute nutrition consultation via Skype/phone here.



Copyright © 2025 Caroline Bienert - Speaker + Nutrition Expert