You are getting your period, you are pregnant, or you are having a shitty day. Because society vilifies chocolate as high in calories and fat, people tend to crave chocolate at times when they think it's socially acceptable to eat it. So if you have heard that raging hormones make you crave chocolate or chocolate contains special chemicals that improve your mood, you may crave it when your period is on its way or after a particularly bad day. We attribute cravings to whatever is obvious to us — we use any excuse to indulge.
You are on a diet that is too restrictive. "Cravings can be the result of our intent to stay away from the things that are pleasant and pleasurable to eat. And when you are hungry from restricting calories, your body registers chocolate — a food that is calorically dense — as a perfect food to fill up on. It helps that chocolate melts at body temperature for an orgasmic mouth-feel — it really doesn't get better than that.

You are pre-diabetic. This is only a real risk if your candy cravings are accompanied by the increased urgency to pee, and if your sugar cravings are extreme and chronic. (If you are concerned, see your doctor for a blood test.)
You are getting or you have your period. Any change in hormone levels can increase sugar cravings. (So it is not an urban myth!)
You are on processed carbs. Often times candy cravings are related to what you ate at your last meal: white bread, white rice, and pasta contain simple carbs that spike your blood sugar for an instant boost of energy that lands you in a lazy slump and leaves you searching for your next sugar fix.
You are stressed as hell. Sugar activates your brain's reward center. In nail-biting situations, you might subconsciously crave candy (or doughnuts or cake) for some sweet relief.

Carbs Like Bread and Pasta
You are actually craving sugar. (See candy above.) Once a starchy food gets past the back of your tongue, your body treats it the same way as sugary sweets. You might reach for a bagel or a bowl of pasta before dipping into your candy stash because eating certain foods feels more socially acceptable than eating sweets.

Ice Cream
You may have heartburn or acid reflux. Creamy dairy foods tend to be soothing.
You might be taking too many OTC pain relievers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may seem harmless, but they can actually cause low-grade inflammation in the stomach. An ice cream craving could be your body's way of expressing irritation — and a sign it needs a break.
You are tired. Ice cream (and healthy-sounding dairy foods like skim milk and yogurt) contains natural milk sugars that can give you a quick boost of energy. If you need a pick-me-up and happen upon ice cream, it might be first food you reach for.

Salty Foods Like Chips and Pretzels
You are dehydrated. Thirst is often masked as hunger. So a craving for salt, which helps your body retain water, could mean you aren't drinking enough or you are losing water (through sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting) faster than you are ingesting it.
You're stressed. Many salty foods — like chips, crackers, and pretzels — are crunchy. Eating crunchy foods can help relieve stress.
You have been eating mostly soft foods. Many salty foods — like chips, crackers, and pretzels — are crunchy. When your diet consists of mostly mushy stuff — like smoothies, soups, and yogurts — your salivary glands and the muscles in your jaw get (understandably) bored. After a day or two, they need a little stimulation — so a crunchy craving is born.

Meat Like Steaks and Burgers
You are not getting enough protein if you eat mostly vegetarian or work out incessantly. Many people who resistance- or weight-train are not eating enough protein. On days when at least 50 percent of your workout involves resistance-training, try to eat about one gram of protein for every pound you weigh. (And if you are trying to lose weight, eat one gram of protein for every pound of your goal weight.)
You have a chronic iron or vitamin B deficiency. If you get heavy periods, menstruation can leave you short on iron. If you don't eat quite enough protein (a good source of iron) in the first place, and skimp on it throughout the course of a few cycles, your hankering for meat could mean your body is short on essential nutrients.

French Fries and Other Fried Foods
You are sleep-deprived. Because lack of sleep leaves you low on energy, and food provides energy to fuel your every move, it's easy to confuse exhaustion and hunger. (It's why you might crave a greasy breakfast after a sleep-deprived night and gravitate toward late-night fries.) Your brain knows these deep-fried foods activate your reward center for a satisfying sense of fullness, — although be warned this feeling is only temporary and you'd do better to indulge in foods prepared with healthy fats rather than frying oils.

You are actually craving sugar. You might think of cheese as a potent source of fat and protein. But your brain knows better: Cheese also contains natural milk sugars. (See candy cravings above.)
You are not getting enough calcium or vitamin D. Cheese and other dairy foods serve up calcium and vitamin D, and it's not uncommon to eat insufficient amounts of these nutrients. Luckily, your body produces vitamin D when it's exposed to direct sunlight. But if you work indoors or live in a cold climate, you might still fall short on vitamin D — which means your body might crave it in the form of a grilled cheese.
You don't eat enough fat. Cheese is a good source of this essential nutrient — and it's only natural to gravitate toward the gooiest and most delicious source.

Any Other Super-Specific Food

You are reacting to a sensory cue or an emotional trigger. When you develop a late-night craving for white pizza after a night out at the bar, it's probably not because your body needs calcium from the mozzarella. More likely, it's because you ended every sloppy Saturday night in college at the campus pizza joint ordering up that same slice.
You are denying yourself that food. Obviously cutting specific foods out of your diet makes you desire that food even more. It is why you should allow yourself at least a little bit of every food you love.

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