
As you could see in my latest post about the wonderful beauty blog, I’m a believer in education and knowledge.

Quite often I meet customers who aren’t aware of how many health problems could be easily avoided if they knew everything about the everyday products that surround them. Sadly, trusting in advertising claims like “natural”, “organic”, “bio” and “fair” can be quite shortsighted nowadays! And especially if you consider the German health care system’s tendency to put the prevention responsibility into the hands of the patients, you’ll see that it’s vital to be adequately informed.

For this reason, I strongly encourage that you have a look at the following service pages:
Foodwatch is an independent NPO that I hold near and dear. Founded in 2002, the organisation informs consumers in detail about the food industry. Foodwatch exposes food industry practices aimed at profits rather than at security, and puts consumer safety and health issues on the agenda of big corporations. Get the latest news (e.g. food labelling) on their website or keep up-to-date with the foodwatch newsletter.

‘Skin Deep’ by EWG is an online database containing more than 77,500 beauty and personal care products. Each product listing contains the full declaration and is rated via a scale of 0-10. The ingredients get their own ratings, making it easy to understand the rating of the product. It couldn’t be simpler! So worthwhile for your health!!!


Another good tool for a quick research is – which is a form of an online “product sheet”, helping critical customers make their shopping decisions. The check is a no-brainer: scan the product code with your smartphone/webcam or type in the name, press OK and see a comprehensive product description, all the ingredients along with comments by other consumers, valuable specialist information and insider tips by CodeCheck experts.

Once you’re informed, I promise, you’ll see the supermarket aisles with different eyes and you’ll be doing your body good!

And so:
Check before you buy!

Caroline Bienert - Speaker + Nutrition Expert © 2025.

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    Caroline Bienert - Nutritionist

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